The applicant is seeking to modify the zoning on the Property from existing S-1 to Planned Unit Development (PUD). Due to the size and scale of the NorthPark property, proposed uses will be highly varied to provide for open space, residential uses of all types, commercial, employment & commerce development types. This blend of uses will ensure that the NorthPark community will become a premiere mixed-use community that provides recreational and service opportunities for its residents and accommodates regional-scale employment enterprises that support existing tech manufacturing to the north. The purpose of the PUD is to provide a flexible regulatory framework for the 6,355-acre property that thoughtfully balances residential and commercial services, employment, and open space. Due to the long-range development horizon anticipated for a project of this size, entitlement flexibility will be necessary to ensure that the Project is able to evolve and adapt to future market conditions.
Proposed Zoning
NorthPark PUD
The Planned Unit Development (“PUD”) zoning district is authorized by Chapter 6, Section 671 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Phoenix (“Phoenix Zoning Ordinance”). A PUD is intended to be a stand-alone document that sets forth the
regulatory framework, including permitted uses, development standards and design guidelines, for a particular project (“PUD Regulations”). The PUD may
only modify provisions within the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance and does not modify other City of Phoenix codes, regulations, or requirements. A PUD may include substantial background information and narrative discussion, including purpose and intent statements, that are intended to illustrate the overall character and vision for the development. Such statements are not regulatory and not requirements to be enforced by the City of Phoenix.
The PUD Regulations apply to all property within the PUD project boundary. The PUD Regulations supersede and replace all applicable Phoenix Zoning ordinance requirements. If there is a conflict between PUD Regulations and the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, including the design guidelines within the Phoenix Zoning ordinance, the terms of this PUD shall apply. If a provision is not addressed by the PUD, then the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance controls.